
About 25 years ago I began keeping a couple of hand written notebooks to record my kayaking and bicycling adventures.  Some years later as the digital age began to trample me like a herd of wild horses I combined the Kayak Log and the Bicycle Journal into…  The Adventure Journal.

It has been a true joy sharing the stories and photos of our adventures with my friends and family.  I made many new friends simply from having those adventures forwarded along the email superhighway by friends to friends.

In addition to that, as our grandchildren came along, I found that I really “needed” to record some of these epic (and everyday) events for our little Dudes to explore and enjoy years down the road.  Thus the adoption of the new (for me) Blog format.

Disclaimer: So, if you were on one of these adventures with me, and you don’t exactly agree with “my version” of the events…Go write your own stinkin’ Blog!


7 Responses to About

  1. Kathleen says:

    Hi Kat,

    Thanks for the nice comment on my Families on Bikes blog on Momentum about Jasper riding. Your blog looks awesome! Would you like to contribute a guest post, with a link back to your blog, about biking with your grandkids? I love the story of the Schwin.


    • Jeff Katzer says:

      Kathleen, Sorry for the late reply. My wordpress spam filter had your note hidden in the “bad place”. I would be delighted to do a guest post for you, and feel free to help yourself to anything on my blog site. Kat

  2. Humbled Pie says:

    Because I enjoy your blog so much, I have nominated you for the Reader Appreciation Award. You can read about it on my blog. http://humbledpie.wordpress.com/2012/06/04/musings-from-the-darkroom-blog-recognition/

  3. Libby Hurley says:

    Hey Jeff – like you Mr. Happy part of the video. Actually, chuckled on the fubar…come from a military family. have you done anymore where is mr. happy?

  4. Morgan Irwin says:

    In training, under stress transitioned to back up with my support hand. Completed a speed r without thinking about it. In fact I didn’t know it happened till they asked me about it. Thanks for the introduction. Stay warm brother.

    • Jeff Katzer says:

      That’s the way its supposed to work… But it only happened because you put in the extra time and effort to make it automatic. Great to hear from you my friend. Keep in touch.

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