I Wrote a Book!

Howdy to all my WordPress friends. Shameless marketing plug coming at you! I wrote a book about our hike on the West Coast Trail. It is available on the iBookstore in iTunes for $2.99 (less than a latte). Just search for Jeff Katzer or Adventures on the West Coast Trail. It is a fun story with lots of cool images, trip planning advice, and a fun video featuring an original song by Richie Donovan. I would be thrilled if you bought it, or passed this on to the hikers you know.

It looks like it is available on the iPad only at the moment…I’ll keep checking on that.

Here is a link:


Thanks, Kat

About Jeff Katzer

Welcome friends. I'm a cyclist, hiker, motorbike rider, kayaker, photographer, videographer, ukulele player, snowshoer, XC skier, and BEST of all - a grandpa. Somewhere in that list above you'll find the theme of the Adventure Journal.
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5 Responses to I Wrote a Book!

  1. MyGame says:

    Ola! Jeff,
    Thanks, on a related note, When I was in college I wrote and illustrated a cute book for a childrens’ lit class. Everyone that sees it says that it is as good or better than what they see in bookstores. I have checked into self-publishing with a couple of “Houses” for Authors and the price they want is outrageous to do my 14 page book book just in paperback. Any ideas?

    • Jeff Katzer says:

      Have a look at iBooks Author (free on your Mac App store). You will have to buy an ISBN ($125.00) but after that you may be able to publish it yourself to the iBookstore. Kat

  2. Peter says:

    It’s only available in the US store, any change it will be releases in the European, more particular the Belgium store? Could you look into that please? A night above the ground is a good night 😉

    • Jeff Katzer says:

      It is available in the UK, Canada, and the US…That’s mostly because I’m a novice at this iBook thing. I’ll look into how I expand it to Belgium. Kat.

      • Jeff Katzer says:

        OK Peter, I think I did it. The book should be on the Belgium iBooks store. (it may take a few minutes to have everything upload). Thanks for your interest, I hope you enjoy the book as much as we enjoyed the trail. Kat

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